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Newsletter 32 –October 27, 2019

Dear Patients,
You only have one body, so treat it like somebody you love.  As we age, we have multiple opportunities to adjust and re-adjust how we live (eat, sleep, exercise and control stress).
My new session of BOOM! is starting again.  Think about joining me every Wednesday, beginning this week, October 30, and going until next spring.  If you are unsure whether you are healthy enough to participate, send me an email and I will let you know what I recommend based on your current health status. See the details below.
Flu shot reminder:  stop in the office, Monday through Friday, 8:30am - 12:00pm.
Re-enrollment reminder:  forms will be mailed/emailed mid-November.
Lastly, I paraphrased the paragraph below from something I recently read and thought I would pass it on.
Uncertainty - There are no guarantees that things will go your way, and yet, what you do or do not do increases the likelihood that you will get what you create.  This is a certainty.
Just do it now! - If there is something that you need to do, before you are unable to, do it.  If your life has no meaning, do something meaningful.  If you dream of a better life, take the next step to make it happen.
Family - Enjoy your family, and be sure they know how much you love them. If you're not comfortable with what will happen when you die, now is the time to figure it out.
Life is imperfect - Yes, disappointments can ground us, and yet these same disappointments create a pathway with unexpected discoveries of who we are.  The road we walk can lead to a dead-end or a traffic circle, it can twist and turn, be uphill or down; keep walking to find your way.
Health - work towards excellent health always, take care of you so you can help take care of the people you care about
BOOM:  Boost Our Own Metabolism begins October 30, 2019, at the Columbia Athletic Club
Take a moment and ask yourself, 'where am I with understanding and practicing healthy eating, getting the right amount of exercise, attaining restorative sleep, and controlling stress'?  Consider participating in BOOM.  Information that is presented represents cutting-edge scientific studies that will improve your total health.
How to get started?
It starts with an intention, then action.  Make the call or register online. Participate and be infused with the group energy that promotes self-discipline and willpower. Here are a few thoughts about finding willpower and discipline, which begins and sustains change:
  • Willpower is the single most important habit for individual success.
  • Self-discipline has been shown to predict academic success more than intellectual talent.
  • Willpower, with practice, can become automatic, it is a learnable skill.
  • Unlike many skills, it does not remain constant.
  • Willpower is like a muscle, the more practice, the stronger it gets.
  • You are in control, set goals, plan your day, and see your health radically improve.
Understand inflection points that affect willpower every day and have a plan (the above was adapted from the book "The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg").
BOOM -- which stands for Boost Our Own Metabolism -- a program that I developed, and for seven years running, teaches critical nutritional points and provides tips for improving sleep and stress levels. We spin on the studio bikes to music using a High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) format.  My assistant, Stacey, is once again leading the spin portion, and this is preceded by my brief talk on the topic of the week. An email is sent before every BOOM session on the instructive topic of the week. If you're unsure whether or not you are healthy enough to participate, please send me an email, and I can let you know if BOOM is right for you. There will be an opportunity to obtain an accurate body analysis early in the course and again at the end of the course.
BOOM is held on Wednesday mornings, 7:15 - 8:00 am at the Columbia Athletic Club in the spin studio.
Here are the registration instructions:
Columbia Association members (no charge):
CA Fit & Play members can sign up beginning at 2:00 pm on Mondays either through the CA website or app.  Or call the Athletic Club (410-730-6744) beginning at 2:00 pm on Tuesdays. PP CA Fit & Play and 1Fit members can sign up for the class on a space-available basis 5 minutes before the start of class. Columbia Association
Registration and payment can be made in person at the front desk of the Athletic Club or by calling there (410-730-6744).  Please note that payment must be made for an entire month, there are no pro-rating or refunds for partial months.
October/November- 5 classes/$50 total
December - 3 classes/$30 total (no class 12/25)
January - 4 classes/$40 total (no class 1/1)
February, March, April, May - sessions and cost TBA
Wishing you good health,

Harry A. Oken, M.D.
Office: 410-910-7500  Fax: 410-910-2310   Cell: 443-324-0823
Adjunct Professor of Medicine
University of Maryland School of Medicine